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Safe Camp and Code of Conduct

All conference participants are expected to adhere to the AISES code of conduct. 



The AISES National Conference is a “Safe Camp,” meaning this is a welcoming, inclusive, supportive and safe environment for all our AISES family members regardless of race, color, sex, religion, sexual orientation, or gender expression/identity. Safe Camp includes recognizing the AISES Code of Conduct and anyone found violating the code will be asked to leave the conference immediately. Please contact any AISES staff member or board member if you have any questions.


The American Indian Science & Engineering Society (AISES) was established with the goal of developing Native professionals and leaders in the areas of science, technology, engineering and math. In light of this goal, the first student leaders of AISES developed a set of principles that prohibited alcohol, illegal drugs, and harassment. These principals have become core values of the organization and are incorporated as the Code of Conduct.

The AISES Code of Conduct promotes professional development and personal growth by strictly prohibiting the use of intoxicating drugs or alcohol and all forms of harassment and discrimination. This code is meant to reflect the ideals of our Native communities by establishing an expectation that we agree to protect and promote the well-being and growth of all people. This code is expected to be honored when individuals are representing the AISES organization and by all persons participating in AISES activities. To this end, each person is asked to adhere to this code and promote its intent by refraining from prohibited activities and encouraging others to do the same.

AISES will continue to maintain the Code of Conduct as a symbol reflective of the teachings and values of our ancestors. The Code of Conduct represents the ideas and visions set forth by the AISES founders and the student leadership. AISES values and respects the rights and privileges of others and asks that you honor the AISES organization, its mission, and the family of AISES by adhering to this Code of Conduct.

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American Indian Science & Engineering Society

4263 Montgomery Blvd NE, Suite 200  
Albuquerque, NM 87109

(505) 765-1052



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